Gallery of “Going Home (US Soldier Vietnam)” is now live

Sketchbook 2016 added to the gallery page

Contrast Miniature’s first year marked the start of many explorations into methods of painting. I found that I liked the concept of sketching on miniatures and used some form of sketching in all my work going forward. So I thought it would be fun to share a collection of all my sketches for the year. Here they are… some are in black and white others in unadulterated color. Still others are gestural sculptures.

I hope you will enjoy this year’s sketchbook!

New Gallery of Gaming Miniatures Added!

2016-02-02 11.29.01Today I added a small but growing collection of Gaming Miniatures to our Gallery. Being a gamer myself, I believe that great enjoyment can be had from painting miniatures for gaming. Personally, I enjoy an expressive sketch style for the gaming models I paint for commission as well as my personal collection.


“The Dark Harvest” Gallery is Live!

Dark Harvest from Contrast Miniatures by Matt DiPietro“Deep below the earth, where the light cannot reach, lurks a twisted thing. Over centuries, it has grown on blood and sacrifice to wrap its roots around the heart of the world. And it is said that when the millennium turns and the kingdoms of man are ripe, it will bear a single fruit.”