One of my greatest desires is to create work that is not just beautiful and one of a kind, but work that is evocative, thought provoking, and personal. This is the essence of what fine art miniatures means to me.
Fine Art Miniatures Gallery

The Ice Fisherman of Titan
“His skin is cracked and weathered beyond his years. Yet, in his eyes, hope shines like rings glittering in the light of a distant sun.” This project is dedicated to My Father Stephen DiPietro. Thank you for always encouraging me to shoot for the stars no matter how distant. I love you Dad.

No Fish Today
Today there is no fish, tomorrow there will be fish. Tomrrow there is no fish, but there will be fish in the future Care for your world and the world will bring joy and plenty Scale: 1/6 Actual size: 10cm Sculptor: Romain Van den Bogaert Winner “Best in Show” at Las Vegas Open 2018 CONTACT…

“Greed 2016”
Take heart and take hope. Don’t let greed eat a hole in your humanity and remember: greed will always take more than it gives.

The Prison of Medusa
The Prison of Medusa. Medusa, her beauty and power locked away. The powerful have set blind guards to watch over her. There she waits and dreams of sun and sky. There she plans her freedom.

“After years of war he sees his home again for the first time. His tools lie rusted in the field where nature has grown in his absence. A heaviness grips him. In his heart he longs to set his sword against the wall; to rust and rot and to never be taken up again. May…

“Blood Stone”
“It is said that all things cast a shadow in time. If that is so then the Bloodstone Marches are stained by the shadow of blood and tradgedy. For the Marches are harsh and unforgiving, and the people who live there are doubly so.” THIS PROJECT IS FOR SALE

“Be a Lion”
In this life we have a choice of what to be. I say be a champion. Be a Lion.

“The Lost Soul”
“Cold and naked in the howling dark the lost soul of humanity walks the river Styx. She walks on… born by the currents… unable to see the true light. Her world lit only by a heavy and feeble lantern.”

“Jungle Drums”
“Even though the chief is old and touched by silver In his heart beats the rhythm that stirred in his early years Deep within him beats the Jungle can you hear its booming drums? That warm music will never end even when his days are done For the rhythm flows out to join anew with…

“He has crossed the shimmering plain and down to where ruins tumble to eternal deep. And through verdant reaches made new and strange his brush finds a lonely beauty. THIS PROJECT IS FOR SALE

“The Dark Harvest”
“Deep below the earth, where the light cannot reach, lurks a twisted thing. Over centuries, it has grown on blood and sacrifice to wrap its roots around the heart of the world. And it is said that when the millennium turns and the kingdoms of man are ripe, it will bear a single fruit.” THIS PROJECT IS…

“When you set out on a journey of revenge dig two graves” -Anonymous

“The Forest Guardian”
“With heavy heart she fights a losing battle. Yet, for a time, the light will glitter still in clear waters. And the past will not age, nor pass away“